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GMTK Game Jam 2021

For this 48 hour game jam I worked as the Sound Designer for two different teams. I felt comfortable with the increased workload because after speaking to both teams I knew that I would not have to handle the implementation and could purely focus on designing the SFX. This decision was made in order to save time so instead of everyone having access to the Unity projects we would just pass off our work to one person who would implement everything themselves.

Both teams initially had similar ideas as to what we wanted to make after the theme was announced to be "Joined Together". However, over time our entry "Tethered" slowly changed to the point where both games were quite different. This entry also offered the most interesting opportunity for sound design with the theme of a spider robot that fires magical tethers in order to navigate the levels. I was able to design some cool sci-fi/magical sounds to represent the tethers and some more natural metallic sounds for the movement of the spider which you can hear below!

Biron the Bisected Bot offered the opportunity to create some more subtle SFX that had to stand out from the music without being jarring or overcrowding. The sound design for these was relatively simple but it was still a great opportunity to work with new people and under a strict deadline. You can see the results of this entry below!

Overall, this game jam was a super valuable opportunity to meet some incredible people and improve my sound design skills under time pressure. Working with such great people has got me excited for the next jam!

Biron the Bisected Bot:

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